(academic) coaching

It’s time to bring my academic experience together with everything I’ve learnt in Coach School (a real thing which I thoroughly recommend) for my brand new (academic) coaching sessions.

Working together, we can talk about things like planning out research projects, finding your writing rituals and rhythms, and putting together your escape plan. But I’d also love to think through the bigger questions with you…

Does your research agenda still speak to your heart?

What do your next steps look like?

And what do you really want out of your days (/this whole academic shebang/life generally)?

So, you know, the easy questions.

From sense-checking to practising difficult conversations to getting to your big why, we work together to turn chaos into clarity, fight into flow, and turmoil into… not-turmoil.

With a free discovery call, we’ll find your way to not-turmoil before you know it.